Relax & Destress with a Thai Massage

Our Philosophy

To use our experience & expertise to help you to feel rejuvenated in a safe, non-judgemental & caring environment

Our Services

Relaxing Massage Galway


A gentle relaxing massage while listening to the sounds of the river flowing just outside our therapy room is a great way to relax the mind, reduce stress and feel more refreshed.


Deep tissue massage helps to release lactose that builds up in muscles over time, causing stiffness. It also improves blood flow and mobility.


Thai Massage is one of the best ways to stretch muscles and ligaments so that they become more supple, capable of a wider range of movement and less likely to get injured.

Hot Stone Massage


We offer lava stone heat therapy - a traditional method of balancing blood and energy flows under the skin. It feels comforting and relieves tightness, especially along the back’s tendons. Our clients love it!


Small glass suction cups are placed on the skin for a few minutes to stimulate blood circulation and release tight muscles. We use cupping in conjunction with our deep tissue massage.

Thai Head Massage


When the head, face and neck are gently stroked, the nerves become stimulated, and tight muscles are loosened and tissues are relaxed. This removes both emotional and physical stress from the most expressive part of the body.

Thai head massage galway


Our facial massage increases micro circulation and gently relaxes facial muscles. This reduces tension and stimulates collagen production which firms the skin, smoothing out any wrinkles.


It is well established in reflexology that pressure points in the feet are linked with various bodily functions. We gently massage these points to ensure the body's natural energy pathways are not obstructed.

Ear Spa in Galway


Ear wax can contribute to blockages in the sinuses and lymphatic system. Hopi ear candles create a very gentle suction effect to unblock the sinuses. The lymph nodes under the ear are then lightly stroked to help drain excess fluid and toxins from the area.

Our Ethos

We practice the traditional form of Thai Massage  which combines acupressure, the principals of yoga, and the focusing on the body’s energy lines. 

We also offer a full range of relaxing massage treatments to treat emotional and physical stress and anxiety.

“Thai Massage can relieve muscular pain and emotional stress”

Sasithorn comes from a farming background in Thailand. At the end of a long day working on the farm, her family would return home with sore muscles, and they would ask Sasithorn to walk on their backs and massage them. Even at as young as 8 years of age, they felt that she had a gift for the techniques of massage.

Many years later Sasithorn decided to formally train in Thailand in traditional Thai masseuse and she is certified by the Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society, and the School of Thai Massage and Spa in Limerick. Now with over 10 years professional experience, she offers Thai Massage at her Galway clinic.
Sasithorn Rinsabai

Make an Appointment

Call us to today and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.